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Living in this modern day  world, can be unhelpful to living a healthy, fit life, which is part of the motivation behind a new initiative trying to make people more aware of the importance of their health. Due to the growing population of overweight individuals in South Africa, people need to become more conscious about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I want to help kick start your HEALTH into shape and strengthen your mindset , because a healthy body is a healthy mind. This Fit- Fat Challenge Program is a great way to get  excited about fitness, boost team moral, improve CONFIDENCE  , and pay attention to your health. I’m offering an affordable, fun solution to inactivity and poor eating habits. I will make a personal connection, and motivate you to make a lifestyle change.

Losers visualize the penalties of failure, but winners visualize the rewards of success. Rod Gilbert



My name is Brendon Spring.

I have been a personal trainer for over 13 years, successfully helping people to reach their goals and change their mindsets. I qualified through HFPA in 2004. I work at the Body Max gym on the Esplande in East London with a team of qualified and dedicated trainers. Body Max is a personal training studio where no membership is required. Not only do I teach my clients how to train but also change their mindset and correct their eating habits. Reaching my clients goals is what I pride myself in achieving- One of my favourite quotes


"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." -Lance Armstrong


First you will need to find a friend to pair up with. You dont have to be on the same fitness level as your friend, as you might be fit, but don't have as much weight to lose. All ages are welcome to join, as it doesnt have to be competitive for everyone, but an experience you wont forget.  

Both will train with me for 6 weeks, with the aim to gain as many points as you can. Points are gained by losing as much weight and body fat % in the six week period, as well as having to complete a number of fitness tests, which will help you to see improvements. The assessment will be done before the competition starts to evaluate where your strengths and weaknesses are. This challenge is aimed at creating an awareness of a healthy lifestyle, with an eating plan written up for each individual according to your assessment and attainable goals at the end of the 6 weeks. Each person will benefit from a healthy lifestyle plan and the knowledge and training to be able to maintain it. Teams at the end of the challenge will combine their points to see how well they have done. All entries must be completed before the 26 of February 2015 . Every team will have a name so that other teams may know who they competing against. Training sessions will be in and out  the gym, keeping it fun and challenging. 

Sessions will be with me for 2 times a week for the Six week period.

Photos and video will be taken on a regular basis, and posted on YOUTUBE AND Facebook for the other teams to see who they competing against. Teams will be able to say if they dont want any exposure. 



NB : Teams that have entered more than one challenge, and are wanting to enter for the third time, can only do so if they have improved in every test from the previous challenges. They must have also lost in weight as well as come down in body fat %. 


Limits will be pushed, boundaries will be tested , and tears will be shed, all to be crowned the ultimate winners of the Eat Right Fit Fat Challenege. 





Tel: 0847771366








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